Hyundai Genesis: Smart Cruise Control System / Smart Cruise Control Unit Description and Operation
The smart cruise control unit is installed on the front right
side of the chassis.A radar sensor is embedded in the front section of
the unit. This sensor detects vehicles and objects in front of the
vehicle.The radar sensor can detect up to 64 objects ahead of a vehicle.
The alarm goes off when the vehicle deviates from the horizontal and
vertical alignment reference points during operation. This sensor
communicates with the dashboard, warning buzzer, smart cruise control
switch, Electronic Stability Program (ESP), ECM, and TCM via CAN
communication.The sensor controls vehicle speed through CAN
communication between the Electronic Stability Program (ESP) system and
the ECM and TCM.

The smart cruise control system allows a driver to program
the vehicle to control the speed and following distance by detecting the
vehicle ahead without depressing the brake pedal ...
ItemSpecificationPower supply(V)12Operation voltage (V)9 ~ 16
Other information:
Door / Hood / Trunk Open
• It means that any door, hood, or
trunk is open.
Sunroof Open
• This warning message illuminates
if you turn off the engine when the
sunroof is open.
Window Open
• This warning message illuminates
if you turn off the engine when any
window is open ...
Smart Key Unit
ItemsSpecificationRated voltageDC 12VOperating voltageDC 9 ~ 16VOperating temperature-22°F ~ 167°F (-30°C ~ 75°C)LoadMax. 2.9mA (When welcome light function off)
RF Receiver
ItemsSpecificationFrequency433.92 MhzAntenna typeFSK (Frequency Shift Keying)
Sma ...